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About Us
Questers members research and study antiques and raise and donate funds for the preservation and restoration of artifacts, existing memorials, historic buildings, landmarks, and educational purposes.

Questers originated in Philadelphia where Mrs. Elizabeth (Bess) Bardens would frequently discuss antiques with the group of women with whom she rolled bandages as part of the Red Cross program during World War Il. One day she proudly displayed her latest acquisition—a small, pale blue syrup jug with the profile of Father Time, his flowing beard forming the handle. Questions and a common interest led some of the women to form a study group. The goals were to learn more about antiques and the common national heritage, to share their knowledge, and to encourage the preservation of historic landmarks. The Questers was incorporated as a nonprofit organization in Pennsylvania during 1944.

The original study group grew to 6 groups by 1950 when the national organization was formed and the first convention held. Bess Bardens served as president from 1950 to 1956. 

The first Colorado chapter of Questers—Chipeta #143—was formed in May 1961 and chartered July 25, 1961. Over the next 3 decades, the number of chapters increased to the 20 there are today.

Questers chapter names are chosen to represent a historic figure, location, event, or relic. Examples are:

  • Auntie Stone—the first white woman to become a permanent resident of what is now Fort Collins and who built several successful businesses during her lifetime

  • Cache la Poudre—the river that runs through Fort Collins, originally named by French trappers who frequented the area in the 1800s 

  • Longs Peak—the 14,285-ft peak west of Longmont, one of the 53 "14ers" in Colorado

  • Saun Seearay—a Native American (Apache) princess

  • Stagecoach—the primary means of travel in the west in the mid to late 1800s, and a significant factor in the development of the mining industry and the transportation of people and goods.


Questers International Headquarters

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

© 2023 by Colorado Questers

updated February 9, 2025

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